
"Portia’s Incredible Journey” is a page-turning novel about surmounting adversity, family separation, and coming of age for eight to twelve years. Boys and girls will cheer Portia on as she confronts this year of challenges.

One day at school, Liz, the fourth grade bully, shook her chubby fist so close to Portia’s face that she could smell the sweat on it. “Tell anyone I was in Nurse Bryant’s office and you’ll be sorry,” Liz threatened. “I’ll give you a black eye.” 

Later, Mom and Dad sat Portia down at the kitchen table and told her she has to learn to give herself insulin. She is desperately afraid of needles. But every day, eleven year old Portia must deal with type 1 diabetes.

As if this wasn’t enough, Portia’s heart sinks when Mom tells her, “…we decided that a separation would be the best thing for right now. It’ll give us time to sort things…”

How could life be so unfair?

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"Another Girl Calls My Dad Daddy” continues where author Emma Price ended her first children’s book, "Portia’s Incredible Journey." In this new page-turner, Portia Maddox is going to meet her sixteen year-old half-sister, Jasmine, for the first time. Portia desperately wants Jasmine to like her, but it’s not to be. The moment Jasmine sees how well their father treats Portia, she becomes jealous. Jasmine sets in motion a plan to make life miserable for her younger sister. Read to learn the outcome of this heart-felt, emotional story.

"Portia's Incredible Journey” Teacher's Guide

For Grades 3 – 6 +

Interactive Multilevel Strategies, Activities, and Projects Based on State Standards.
• Literary Response and Analysis
• Writing Applications
• Speaking and Listening Strategies
• Critical Thinking
• Vocabulary Development
• Cooperative Learning
• Self-Evaluation Quizzes

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ELP Books Welcomes Veronica Lane Books

Etan Boritzer's best-selling children's book series for kids (ages 6 -11) promotes character education and social values. These books are also guides for parents, educators, and child-life professionals that help children understand the difficult issues confronted at various development stages.